There are 30 open seats in the Texas House and Senate up for grabs during the March 2022 Primary Election and November 2022 General Election.
There are 30 open seats in the Texas House and Senate up for grabs during the March 2022 Primary Election and November 2022 General Election.
When families gather for the holidays, workers nationwide often get time off to spend with loved ones. That isn't always the case for thousands of public employees who work as first responders. The holidays can be a stressful time for those in law enforcement and firefighting. In fact, the holidays often result in higher numbers of incidents as folks strive to create festive memories. Yet, most first responders stay on the job despite the stress of the holidays and beyond.
Each week, TEXPERS presents you with free or low-cost ways to gain insights into current trends, research, and news related to public pension management, governance, policymaking, investments, research, and retirement—all from the comfort of your office. |
Pension plan participants live longer than the rest of the US population, according to Club Vita. Not only do pensioners have longer life expectancies, but according to the study, plan participants also enjoy a faster rate of longevity improvements. |
A forum is being held in Austin on Nov. 18 to provide insights into selected areas of interest to the Texas institutional investment community. This year marks the event's eighth iteration. |
Webinars are one of the most effective tools for distance learning, allowing attendees to acquire knowledge without being bound by a specific location. |
Michael J. Curran, a former member of TEXPERS' Board of Directors, died on Oct. 5. |
Even though the novel Coronavirus pandemic slowed down life for businesses in 2020, it did not deter the ambitions of cybercriminals. In fact, according to the FBI's 2020 Internet Crime Report, cybercriminals pretty much seized the pandemic as an opportunity to "profit from our dependence on technology to go on an internet crime spree." |
In a state very much open for business after a more than a year of social distancing during a pandemic, nearly 290 people headed "Back to the Future" to get some insight into how the pension management industry might look in a post-pandemic world during TEXPERS' 2021 Summer Educational Forum, Aug. 29-31, in San Antonio, Texas.
The Texas Emergency Services Retirement System is seeking an experienced accounting professional to join the agency as Chief Financial Officer, according to a news release the TESRS submitted on July 27, 2021.
"Back to the Future" is the theme of the Texas Association of Public Employee Retirement Systems' 2021 Summer Educational Forum, set for Aug. 29-31 in San Antonio, Texas. |
The state of Texas doesn't simply encourage professional development for public employee pension trustees and administrators; it mandates it.