TEXPERS Cares About Trustee Education
We developed the Basic Trustee Training (BTT) class, which fulfills the requirements of the Pension Review Boards Minimum Education and Training Program (MET). TEXPERS has been approved as an accredited education sponsor by the PRB.
Along with the BTT class, TEXPERS will periodically offer Advanced Trustee Training, which can be used to meet the continuing education (CE) requirements of the PRB. In addition to the classes, some sessions at TEXPERS' conferences will also meet CE requirements of the PRB.
TEXPERS education and training provides one avenue to assist trustees with maintaining their knowledge of state-of-the-art pension fund management techniques and changes in the law or court decisions concerning pension funds. In addition, they serve as a focal point for the exchange of ideas and best practices among participating members across the state.

We are dedicated to making high quality, low cost, and convenient training available to members. It is critical to advancing the excellence of Texas public fund management and the public’s confidence in trustees and administrators to prudently manage their retirement systems. Our education is designed to ensure that members are well-trained to manage their funds and can meet the mandatory training requirements set forth by the Pension Review Board with sponsored courses and conferences.
To register or find upcoming training classes and events please go to our Event Calendar