Did you welcome the Lunar New Year with open arms? The celebration presents an ideal occasion for fund leaders to rejuvenate their thinking and gain new perspectives about their fund and annuitants.
Did you welcome the Lunar New Year with open arms? The celebration presents an ideal occasion for fund leaders to rejuvenate their thinking and gain new perspectives about their fund and annuitants.
The Employee Benefit Research Institute recently published an Issue Brief titled Shining a Spotlight on Caregivers in the Workplace: Findings from the 2023 Workplace Wellness Survey. The brief examines the retirement prospects, knowledge, preparations for retirement, and retirement experiences for unpaid caregivers versus those who do not provide this care.
Research papers and studies serve as a gateway to the latest advancements and trends in the field of public employee retirement systems. They provide access to cutting-edge knowledge, allowing trustees and administrators to stay ahead of the curve. By staying informed about the latest research, pension fund leaders can make informed decisions that can significantly impact the retirement systems they oversee. Through networking with its partner organizations plus the Association's investment, consultants, actuaries, vendors, and other service providers members and communicating with retirement and investment industry research groups, TEXPERS shares reports, research papers, briefs, and other documents with its members.
As members of the pensions and investments industry, we know that professional development is essential for staying current on trends and regulations. TEXPERS is proud to host its Summer Educational Forum in The Woodlands, Texas – an annual event designed to provide public employee retirement system administrators, board members, and other key stakeholders with the necessary tools and resources to maximize their professional growth. In this blog post, we'll discuss how you can make the most out of your experience at the conference and prepare for success!
Over the past decade, as businesses have undertaken digital transformation initiatives to improve efficiencies and outcomes, cyberattacks have continued to increase in both frequency and complexity. These cyberattacks are increasingly committed by well-funded criminal and state-sanctioned groups seeking to exploit vulnerabilities and disrupt operations for financial gain or to steal intellectual property and other sensitive data for competitive gains or national intelligence purposes. Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, businesses of all sizes have responded to new, unexpected customer and employee needs by accelerating their investments in digital technologies. These investments have not only driven positive business outcomes but have also created new areas of vulnerability for companies across their entire technology supply chain and infrastructure. The increase in the number of endpoints resulting from the exponential growth of mobile computing and Internet of Things (IoT) devices, as well as the larger technology infrastructure surface areas supporting cloud-computing needs, has provided cyber attackers with more areas to potentially exploit and gain unauthorized access. These cyberattacks contribute to a wide variety of adverse outcomes—lost revenue from network downtime, increased costs from ransom payments, fines and/or mitigation spending, lost data integrity, impact to the business from increased reputational risk and, in certain cases, national security risks. As businesses continue to invest in digital transformation to accelerate growth initiatives, the increased threat from cyber criminals will also require larger and more targeted investments in next-generation cybersecurity defense technology to protect digital assets and networks while minimizing the operational and financial costs of a cyberattack.
The 88th Texas Legislative Session is in full swing, with lawmakers proposing and debating bills that could significantly impact public employee pension plans.
As conference attendees, finding a convenient and comfortable place to stay can be difficult. Staying at the on-site hotel of a conference venue is more convenient than staying off-site.
The Governmental Accounting Standards Board has formed a task force to assist with a project to address disclosure issues related to going concerns, uncertainties, and severe financial stress plan sponsors may be facing.
In striving to seek and secure the best investments and services for their membership, public retirement system administrators and staff often look for demographic and economic data to highlight in various reports.
Napier Park Global is a Silver Sponsor of TEXPERS' 2022 Summer Educational Forum Aug. 21-23 in El Paso, Texas, and is sending Amit Sanghani, managing director and product specialist for the firm's global credit and real asset strategies.
As a Silver Sponsor of TEXPERS' 2022 Summer Educational Forum in El Paso, Texas, Oxford Funds, LLC will send Senior Portfolio Manager Deep Maji to present.
Want to save on your travel expenses for TEXPERS' 2022 Summer Educational Forum in El Paso, Texas, Aug. 21-23, 2022? Reduce your costs by saving on your room, but do it quickly before the special rate ends on July 29!
Texas Association of Public Retirement Pension Systems, a statewide nonprofit organization providing education to trustees and administrators of public employee pension funds, is pleased to announce Federated Hermes, Wolf Popper, and Napier Park as sponsors of its upcoming conference in El Paso, Texas. The firms are Silver Sponsors of TEXPERS' 2022 Summer Educational Forum Aug. 21-23 at Hotel Paso Del Norte in El Paso, Texas.
TerraCap Management is a Gold Keynote Sponsor of TEXPERS' 2022 Summer Educational Forum to be held Aug. 21-23, 2022, in El Paso, Texas, and is sending its founder, W. Stephen Hagenbuckle as a keynote speaker for the event’s opening session.
The Texas Association of Public Employee Retirement Systems held its 2022 Annual Conference at The Worthington Renaissance Hotel in Fort Worth, Texas, April 3-6, 2022.
Public pension fund trustees and administrators benefit from participating in TEXPERS conferences by receiving valuable education and connecting with other professionals committed to securing retirement for public employees. Your next opportunity to boost your professional skills is during our Annual Conference April 3-6, 2022, at The Worthington Renaissance Fort Worth Hotel in Fort Worth, Texas.
We recently worked with a client as it was evaluating a passive investment in large cap U.S. equity. After a discussion about the two most common indices used to represent the large cap U.S. equity market and what would be most appropriate for this investor, a committee member made a very interesting observation: |