Filtered by tag: Pension Review Board Remove Filter

Shape the Future of TLFFRA Legislative Changes


The Texas Pension Review Board has put out requests for comment on the changes they will propose to the Texas Legislature for the Texas Local Fire Firefighters Retirement Act, also known as TLFFRA.

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PRB Meeting Set for March 6: Why You Should Attend

The Texas Pension Review Board (PRB) is a state agency that oversees all Texas public retirement systems, both state and local, regarding their actuarial soundness and compliance with state reporting requirements. The PRB provides pensioners and fund managers with news, education, and guidance. The next Texas Pension Review Board meeting is scheduled for 10 a.m. on Wednesday, March 6, 2024, at the William P. Clements Building in Austin, Texas.

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State Agency's Investments Committee Signals Intent to Request Funds to Report How Investment Portfolios are Structured

In its latest meeting, the Texas Pension Review Board's Investment Committee made it clear that it intends to request pension funds to report on how their investment portfolios are structured to meet real-time expectations for outflow benefit payments to retirees. 

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TerraCap Management Serves as Gold Sponsors During TEXPERS' Annual Educational ForumTerraCap Management Serves as Gold Sponsors During TEXPERS' Annual Educational Forum

TerraCap Management is a Gold Keynote Sponsor of TEXPERS' 2022 Summer Educational Forum to be held Aug. 21-23, 2022, in El Paso, Texas, and is sending its founder, W. Stephen Hagenbuckle as a keynote speaker for the event’s opening session.

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Pension Review Board Seeks Feedback on Initial FSRP Rule Concepts

The Texas Pension Review Board is developing rules to facilitate the state legislature's 2021 changes to the Funding Soundness Restoration Plan statute and is seeking stakeholder comments on the initial rule concepts.

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