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Join EBRI's 2024 Webinar

In the wake of persistent economic uncertainties, the latest Retirement Confidence Survey released by the Employee Benefit Research Institute and Greenwald Research reveals a mixed sentiment among American workers and retirees.

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Equal Pay Day 2024: Bridging the Retirement Gap

March 12, 2024, is Equal Pay Day, and it's imperative to pay attention to the disparity in wage rates between men and women and the implications for retirement security. 

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National Retirement Security Month: Ensuring a Bright Future for Public Employees in Texas

The Federal Reserve Report on Economic Well-Being of U.S. Households in 2022 indicates Americans' progress toward retirement savings goals declined. October is National Retirement Security Month, which encourages individuals to consider their retirement goals and take action to secure them. A Texas public employee pension system is ideal for guiding its annuitants through the process. 

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Celebrating German-American Day: The Contributions of German-Americans in Public Service

On Oct. 6, Americans across the country celebrate German-American Day, a day dedicated to honoring the rich cultural heritage and contributions of German-Americans to the United States. While many may associate German-Americans with their delicious cuisine, beautiful music, and strong work ethic, it's essential to recognize their significant role in public service. German-Americans have a long history of serving as public employees, contributing to the U.S. economy, and strengthening our communities. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of this contribution and why it is crucial to protect the pensions of those who serve as public employees.

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A Comprehensive Look Into the Economic Well-Being and Retirement Preparedness of U.S. Workers

In an era defined by evolving workplace dynamics and a heightened focus on employee well-being, the 2023 Workplace Wellness Survey offers a comprehensive look into the well-being and retirement preparedness of employees in the United States. Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI) conducted this survey on financial well-being, employment-based health insurance, and retirement benefits in the workplace.

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Join Us for TEXPERS' Annual Conference in Dallas, Texas

Are you ready for an unforgettable experience that combines professional development, networking opportunities, and the chance to celebrate three decades of excellence in pensions? Look no further than the Texas Association of Public Employee Retirement Systems (TEXPERS) 35th Anniversary Conference, set to take place from April 7 to 10, 2024, at the Hyatt Regency Dallas in Dallas, Texas.

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Government Shutdown: Why it Matters to Texas Public Employee Pension System Administrators

Good news. Congress is avoiding a government shutdown, at least through Nov. 17. As news of a government shutdown captures headlines nationwide, it might seem like a distant issue for those entrusted with managing Texas public employee pension systems. After all, the daily operations of pension systems are largely independent of federal politics, right? Well, not quite. In this blog post, we'll explore why any potential government shutdown should concern trustees and administrators of public employee pension systems and why staying informed is crucial for safeguarding the financial futures of countless retirees.

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Catch Up on the Latest Advancements and Trends in the Field of Pensions

Research papers and studies serve as a gateway to the latest advancements and trends in the field of public employee retirement systems. They provide access to cutting-edge knowledge, allowing trustees and administrators to stay ahead of the curve. By staying informed about the latest research, pension fund leaders can make informed decisions that can significantly impact the retirement systems they oversee. Through networking with its partner organizations plus the Association's investment, consultants, actuaries, vendors, and other service providers members and communicating with retirement and investment industry research groups, TEXPERS shares reports, research papers, briefs, and other documents with its members. 

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Government Watch

Congress raised the debt limit this year to prevent a government default. They are working to agree on next year's budget by Sept. 30.

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The Significance of Parents' Day

Parents' Day, observed this year on Sunday, July 23, is a special occasion that allows us to express gratitude and appreciation for our parents' love, sacrifices, and guidance. While we often celebrate this day by showering them with gifts and affection, it is also an opportune time to reflect upon the significance of a secure retirement for our elderly parents. In this blog post, we will explore why Parents' Day serves as a timely reminder to prioritize and ensure our aging parents' financial well-being.

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Pension Review Board Reports on System News

On June 29, the Texas Pension Board received updates on the recent progress and changes pension funds have made. The City of Midland and pension officials presented their case at the beginning of the meeting, and PRB staff actuary David Fee followed on with additional reports:

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Maximize Your Success

As members of the pensions and investments industry, we know that professional development is essential for staying current on trends and regulations. TEXPERS is proud to host its Summer Educational Forum in The Woodlands, Texas – an annual event designed to provide public employee retirement system administrators, board members, and other key stakeholders with the necessary tools and resources to maximize their professional growth. In this blog post, we'll discuss how you can make the most out of your experience at the conference and prepare for success!

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'The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning' is Looking for TEXPERS Pension System Members to Apply for Its Next Season in Austin


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Bill Impacting Public Retirement System Investing Agents Placed on the Senate Calendar

There is a bill on the Texas Senate Calendar for April 19 that relates to the fiduciary responsibilities of the governing bodies of public retirement systems in the state and their investment managers and proxy advisors.

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Overview of March 1 House Pensions Committee Meeting

House Committee on Pensions, Investment, and Financial Services members met on March 1 to discuss the Employee Retirement System and the Teacher Retirement System, among other topics.

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How to Take Conference Notes

When you attend a pensions and investment conference, taking notes can be invaluable. Jotting down notes will help you remember topics and ideas for managing the secure retirement of your fund's annuitants.

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Mail Carriers Receive Some Love on Feb. 4 in the U.S.

On Saturday, Feb. 4, a specific group of U.S. Postal Service workers will get some much-needed love. 

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Texas Legislators End Frist Day of 88th Legislative Session

UPDATE 1/10/23 - Texas' 88th legislative session adjourned on Jan. 10 after completing opening ceremonies during which Gov. Greg Abbott congratulated newly elected and re-elected members of the House and Senate as well as Rep. Dade Phelan, R-Beaumont, who was reelected today as House Speaker for the session.

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Poverty Increased Among Seniors in 2021

People 65 and older experienced an increase in poverty in 2021, according to the official poverty measure from the U.S. Census Bureau. The Bureau recently highlighted data from its Poverty in the United States: 2021 report originally released in September 2022 as the nation prepares to observe Poverty Awareness Month in the United States this January 2023.

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Spending Bill Vote Likely to Push Through Secure Act 2.0 Before Christmas

Legislation that includes retirement provisions affecting public safety employees and state and local government retirement plans is nearing passage on Capitol Hill as part of an end-of-year omnibus spending bill. 

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