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Public Employee Retirement Systems Have a Part in Promoting Human Rights

Feb. 20 was World Day of Social Justice, a poignant moment for us at the Texas Association of Public Employee Retirement Systems (TEXPERS) to reflect on the profound impact of pension systems in fostering social and economic justice across the Lone Star State.

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A Comprehensive Look Into the Economic Well-Being and Retirement Preparedness of U.S. Workers

In an era defined by evolving workplace dynamics and a heightened focus on employee well-being, the 2023 Workplace Wellness Survey offers a comprehensive look into the well-being and retirement preparedness of employees in the United States. Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI) conducted this survey on financial well-being, employment-based health insurance, and retirement benefits in the workplace.

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Catch Up on the Latest Advancements and Trends in the Field of Pensions

Research papers and studies serve as a gateway to the latest advancements and trends in the field of public employee retirement systems. They provide access to cutting-edge knowledge, allowing trustees and administrators to stay ahead of the curve. By staying informed about the latest research, pension fund leaders can make informed decisions that can significantly impact the retirement systems they oversee. Through networking with its partner organizations plus the Association's investment, consultants, actuaries, vendors, and other service providers members and communicating with retirement and investment industry research groups, TEXPERS shares reports, research papers, briefs, and other documents with its members. 

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Maximize Your Success

As members of the pensions and investments industry, we know that professional development is essential for staying current on trends and regulations. TEXPERS is proud to host its Summer Educational Forum in The Woodlands, Texas – an annual event designed to provide public employee retirement system administrators, board members, and other key stakeholders with the necessary tools and resources to maximize their professional growth. In this blog post, we'll discuss how you can make the most out of your experience at the conference and prepare for success!

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Next-gen Security Providers Offer Products That Protect Multiple Parts of the IT Supply Chain and Use AI to Find Network Anomalies or Threats

Over the past decade, as businesses have undertaken digital transformation initiatives to improve efficiencies and outcomes, cyberattacks have continued to increase in both frequency and complexity. These cyberattacks are increasingly committed by well-funded criminal and state-sanctioned groups seeking to exploit vulnerabilities and disrupt operations for financial gain or to steal intellectual property and other sensitive data for competitive gains or national intelligence purposes. Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, businesses of all sizes have responded to new, unexpected customer and employee needs by accelerating their investments in digital technologies. These investments have not only driven positive business outcomes but have also created new areas of vulnerability for companies across their entire technology supply chain and infrastructure. The increase in the number of endpoints resulting from the exponential growth of mobile computing and Internet of Things (IoT) devices, as well as the larger technology infrastructure surface areas supporting cloud-computing needs, has provided cyber attackers with more areas to potentially exploit and gain unauthorized access. These cyberattacks contribute to a wide variety of adverse outcomes—lost revenue from network downtime, increased costs from ransom payments, fines and/or mitigation spending, lost data integrity, impact to the business from increased reputational risk and, in certain cases, national security risks. As businesses continue to invest in digital transformation to accelerate growth initiatives, the increased threat from cyber criminals will also require larger and more targeted investments in next-generation cybersecurity defense technology to protect digital assets and networks while minimizing the operational and financial costs of a cyberattack.

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Brief Finds State and Local Pensions Should Stabilize Debt as Share of Economy Instead of Fully Funding Them

The author of a new brief from the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College finds that state and local pension plans should focus on stabilizing their pension debt as a share of the economy rather than full funding. The alternative of fully prefunding state and local pensions to maintain fiscal sustainability will mean big contribution hikes. 

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TEXPERS Hosts RFP List Making it Easy for Vendors to Find Proposals

TEXPERS has a section on its website where it publishes requests for proposals, those public documents that announce a project and invite proposals from service providers. 

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House Committee on Pensions, Investments & Financial Services Holds Aug. 16 Meeting

This report, compiled by TEXPERS legislative consultants and staff in attendance, is intended to give you an overview and highlight the discussions on the various topics taken up. It is not a verbatim transcript of the discussions but based on what was audible or understandable to the observer and the desire to get details out as quickly as possible with few errors or omissions.

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Napier Park Global is Presenting as a Silver Sponsor During Upcoming Summer Forum

Napier Park Global is a Silver Sponsor of TEXPERS' 2022 Summer Educational Forum Aug. 21-23 in El Paso, Texas, and is sending Amit Sanghani, managing director and product specialist for the firm's global credit and real asset strategies.

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The Shift to the Cloud

We believe the COVID-19 crisis has facilitated a fundamental reshaping of society in how people shop and pay, along with how businesses interact with their employees, customers, and other businesses.

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ILPA Institute Heading to Austin to Offer Executive Education

The Institutional Limited Partners Association's ILPA Institute will be in Austin May 11-12, 2022, offering its executive education programming for trustees. The Private Equity for Trustee course explores the basic aspects of the private equity asset class, the economics of a private equity investment, the current state of the market, and its external perception. The program fee is $1499 and will run from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day at the DLA Piper Austin Office, 303 Colorado St., Suite 3000, in Austin. For more information and to register, contact Mandy Ilk at [email protected].

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How to Get the Most Out of Your Conference Attendance

Public pension fund trustees and administrators benefit from participating in TEXPERS conferences by receiving valuable education and connecting with other professionals committed to securing retirement for public employees. Your next opportunity to boost your professional skills is during our Annual Conference April 3-6, 2022, at The Worthington Renaissance Fort Worth Hotel in Fort Worth, Texas.

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Inflation: Momentum or Reversion to the Mean

With headline inflation at multi-decade highs investors are rightly concerned and it bears an in-depth look. Some of the drivers of price rises have persisted longer than the Fed expected. But looking beyond the headlines at some of those drivers of the last twelve months could be useful.

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Your Pension Fund's ESG Policy and Strategy

What do pension funds in Australia, France, Sweden and Texas have in common? Definitely not their asset allocation, level of transparency, governance system or cost structure.

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