AIF Southwest Trustee Education Program and Investors' Forum

AIF Global will be hosting the 2021 AIF Trustee Education Forum and Southwest Investors’ Forum on Nov. 16 and 17 at the Four Seasons Hotel in Austin, Texas. The Trustee Education Program on Tuesday, Nov. 16 is accredited by the Texas Pension Review Board and education certificates will be distributed upon completion. The program is limited to trustees and investment staff only and there is no cost to attend. 

 Curriculum for the Trustee Program will include:

  • Interactive Trustee Panel on Governance with Andrew Messer, Deputy Treasurer for Policy and Debt Management, Oklahoma Treasurer and Trustee, Oklahoma Public Employees Retirement System and Rhonda Smith, Trustee, Houston Municipal Employees Pension System
  • Center for ESG and Sustainable Investing Session: Understanding and Managing Divestment Decisions and Mandates  
  • Innovation in the Infrastructure Asset Class and Its Unique Investment Structures  
  • Interactive Leadership Development Workshop: Best Practices for Board and Management on Collaborative Decision Making

The day will conclude with a reception and dinner with a Keynote Address by Texas State Comptroller Glen Hegar.

On Wednesday, Nov. 17, the forum will continue with the AIF Southwest Investors’ Forum featuring a full day of comprehensive programming, including investment roundtable sessions on private equity, private credit, diversifying and opportunistic strategies, real estate, and infrastructure investing, 

To view the full two-day program, which will be updated daily, please use the following link: View the 2021 AIF Southwest Investors' Forum Agenda.

AIF generally conducts its sessions in an interactive, extemporaneous, roundtable format. Marketing is strictly prohibited at AIF events. No media or service providers are included. No tickets are sold. AIF's goal is to facilitate the purest and most compelling exchanges among institutional asset owners and their consultants, managers, and preeminent “real world” academics.

Trustees and staff that are interested in attending can register by contacting Barbara Lambroza  [email protected] or Susan Boyle at [email protected].

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