TEXPERS Adapts to New Work Environment with Remote Working Solution
Category: TEXPERS News
TEXPERS' Board of Directors has decided to close the Association's leased office space. The board made this decision considering changing work environments and TEXPERS' desire to reduce costs and increase efficiency. TEXPERS staff will continue to work remotely, and we assure you that this change will not affect our services or operations. We will continue to serve you with the same dedication and professionalism as always.
Our mailing address, phone number, and contact information will remain the same as it has been:
TEXPERSPO Box 201960Austin, TX 78720(713) 622-8018[email protected]If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Thank you,
Art AlfaroExecutive DirectorTexas Association of Public Employee Retirement SystemsFOLLOW TEXPERS ON FACEBOOK, X (formally known as Twitter), AND LINKEDIN FOR THE LATEST NEWS ABOUT TEXAS' PUBLIC PENSION INDUSTRY.
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